**As of 4/30/2024, online ordering is paused for the foreseeable future.**

My First TikTok Post Went TikTok Viral! Like whaaaaaa?

Who's heard of TikTok?

If you're my age and older, it's okay if you haven't. :-p It's been super popular with "the kids these days" -- short videos with lip syncing, dancing, great original & creative work, as well as just pure entertainment.  

I only downloaded to app because I'd read that lots of brands were turning to TikTok, but I didn't see a whole lot of brands. I did, however, find plenty of pet videos. Ohhh... so many to keep me scrolling for hours and hours on end.

After a couple months of just watching, I decided to post something. Since I was making an order of tattoo balms for 814 Tattoo Co, I figured it could be a good time to make some sort of "process" video. 

So somewhere around 3:30am, I uploaded my video. Nervous cuz I haaaaate putting myself out there. What if no one even sees it? What if people think it's stupid?

Whelp, I woke up to loads of notifications. Something was going on. I think it had like 10,000 views or something? Okaaay... interesting.

Of course, I received unsolicited "advice" from people. The words "did I ask?" would escape my lips at times. Ha!  I had the trolls, but outweighing the trolls and "advice" way more was the support.

By 3pm (about 12 hours after posting), I'd hit 100k views. And it kept growing!  

And then 8 days after posting, it hit 500,000 views! 500k! Half a million! Like whaaaaaaaa??!?!?

And I was getting orders because of it! I'd sent out more orders in that week that I typically would in several weeks and I'm so grateful. <3  I even received a message from one of the people who'd ordered the tattoo balm because she saw the post, telling me how it stopped her tattoo's itch and nothing had ever done that for her before. Yay!

Anyway, if you wanna check out the video, click here.

Lemme know if you end up falling down the TikTok "rabbit hole". :-p


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