Masks and more masks...
If you're like many of us, I hope you've been sportin' a face mask whenever you're out in public around people. I must admit, it took a little while for me to get used to wearing one because it's definitely harder to breathe and my glasses fog up. LOL. But, after a little while, it's not a hug deal.
Looks like we'll be sportin' them for a while, too. Now if we could get some of those dumb dumbs who feel they're invincible or that the coronavirus doesn't exist to actually give a crap about other people, we could help flatten the curve even more, ya know? Anyway...
Here's my mask collection (going clockwise from top right): Eelmonkey Art has took a break from creating their awesome handmade dolls to going balls to the wall with mask-making, donating over 2,000 handmade masks to essential workers; Mulberry Hill Design gave me my first mask, while she was donating a batch for area essential workers, is also taking profits from her mask and scrub cap sales, turning around and buying more supplies to make them for donation; Tubular Gear has also been at her sewing machine cranking out masks and taking any mask sale profits to buy more supplies so she can donate more masks; my man's mother gave my three handmade masks as well (two of them, you can see are the more shaped ones) and sent him his; and of course I got a Star Wars mask (and one for the man) from Sweet Lou Snuggles, who's also been working tirelessly away at her sewing machine selling masks online and cranking out batch after batch to donate. She'd recently done a 200-mask donation to retired NYPD who'd been called back into action.
Mulberry Hill, Tubular Gear, and Sweet Lou Snuggles are all in the State College area, so if you're looking for masks in the area, you could check them out!
It's been really amazing to see people around the world -- makers, moms, kids, etc -- stepping up and making masks for essential workers. Even though it's been pretty stressful for many of us because of the uncertainty, people are still showing up. We really are in this together, ya know?
What's your mask collection looking like?